Saturday, February 18, 2012

More Bang For your Designer Buck!

It's all well and good for blogs to showcase all the stunningly gorgeous spaces out there in blog land. Who doesn't love to see how Aerin Lauder lives when she's not being fabulous at a charity event or fashion show? Who can't wait to see what amazing space Ralph Lauren has fantasised into reality? We love it, We eat it up!! All those inspiring spaces and furniture pieces!! Really amps up our Chic Nesting urges to the max!
Problem is most of these people are so loaded down with money they have trouble raising themselves from their original Eames chairs. But not really realistic for us in the normal world, and on shows like 'Million Dollar Decorator' (from what I have seen anyway) the decorators seem to be more financially solvent than their Clients!! Which tells me something about THEIR jobs...
1. In L.A clients have truck loads of Interior Decorating Disposable Dollars,
2. I need to move to L.A NOW!!!
3. I need to CONSIDERABLY up my fees!! ha ha

But Realistically  the amount of money needed to achieve these results is out of range for the average bird out there.
So what do YOU do if you want the designer look but don't have the designer bucks to throw at a decorator? Well if you have a clever decorator you'll find most looks are achievable on a "workable" budget. Workable meaning realistic. Realistic meaning achievable. Achievable meaning not this; " Melinda I want to decorate my whole home in a resplendent rococo manner redolent to the Winter Palace in Russia! and I have $15,000.00!!!!......" Silence from me as quietly leave house.


 TO THIS??? 

I can do fairly well on a tight budget....but!!

MILLION DOLLAR DECORATORS...(happy to do internship with you Mary or Martin :))

So Moral of the story.

Go see your local lovely decorator and ask what you can be achieved...don't be scared, we are friendly and don't bite...usually :)

Have a great weekend.
I'm off to a Mad Men party tonight and am getting my hair pouffed out as I type.
Will have to pad my bra but my hips won't need any help they're plenty curvy.