Loving the stunning oak mirror, I used a very similar one in a recent interior job but it was in a garden courtyard, how fabulous using it in a dressing room. Recently I have specified in several jobs wall paneling it's great for hallways, bedrooms and entry's but the trick is adding artwork and wall lighting to really create a designer effect.
Sometimes adding several paintings or prints mix matched can be very tricky, the best way is to lay it down on the floor first till you have it the way you like it, then start in the middle and work outwards. Every decorator would have there own way of doing it but I find I never go wrong doing it that way. If you have the same size and frame the impact of rows (as above) looks stylish, but makes a fabulous statement.
I'm not a huge fan of leather but I just adore old leather tan sofa's and trunks. We have a chair very similar but without the buttoning in our store at the moment and its so comfortable, the guys who visit our store always head straight for it!
Love the sheers on the window, the stone fireplace, the huge mirror in fact I love the entire room!
Simple, understated elegance you just cant beat it!
I have just purchased a similar bathroom cabinet for my next home, but with a grey soapstone top, yep! no house but I have the vanity!
How stunning is this table, inside or out!
Restoration hardware is a fabulous store in America that every customer keeps telling me I would love and they are right. After browsing there website I continued to drool for hours, the furniture is very similar to what we have available and the map above we received one similar in store today only to be sold minutes later, but its the choices and the huge range thats impressive and it certainly has a style that myself and so many of my customer love, this is one company that does it so well and I cant wait to visit the store myself.